AGM Minutes for 2017, 240 FLM Group.
Opened at 1210 hrs, with following member present. Jim Geoghan,Peter Cowland,Mike West,Trevor Barnwell, Robin Stockley,Paul Wood,Roger Davey,Vaughan Turney,Peter Weight,Michael Burke,Graham Pearce,Paul Wing,Julia Russell,Bill Edwards,Cameron Bee,Paul Davis,Ted Temple. Peter Russell, Chairman Steve Houston Gen Sec Colin Farrington, Workshop Manager Apologies for absence given from, Paul Settle,Michael Gilbey,Lewis Orrow,Colin King, Gordon James,Harry Marks,Ian Fife,Eric Goldsmith,Stephen Taylor,Frankie Ward,Chris Jennings,Ron Finch,Kevin Hutchins,Martin Ormes,Steve Lomas,Dennis Price,Barry Pilkington,Ray Boddy,Paul Raven,Mike Cotton,Mitch Theobald and Garry Quinnell Meeting opened by Chairman, and requested all to stand to observe a minute’s solemn reminiscence for Passing of past members. Peter Russell Chairman, read out his statement. Steve H gave his Gen Sec report, thanked Garry Warren the outgoing Gen Sec for his work. Peter R then read out Steve Lomas, Treasurer’s statement and report. RS asked for explanation of “ Founder Members Refund “ which was explain as founder members who had left the group, who had made an initial donation to purchase the TL. The proposal to raise monthly Subs to £7.50 was voted on and carried unanimously , with effect from 1st June payment. Trevor B explained the donation of the new wheel arches by his son’s business, at a cost of around £2000, he was asked to pass on our thanks. Colin F, Workshop Manager, explained big strides taken this year, TL240 now mobile and able to be moved to new home. Next stages are to fit new Wheel Arches, Locker Doors and to refit parts and cables to ladders. There is a gearbox problem which Colin is investigating, it could be as simple as wrong oil fitted or could be clutch, slave cylinders or something mechanical in the box. The refurbishment of parts is coming on, managed to make one good monitor from two, the locker doors are nearly ready for painting and the wheel arches have had 5 coats of paint, so nearly there. We are still looking for a storage base for the old girl, preferably in the M11/A12 corridor. Lots of contacts being made including Fire Service National Museum Trust , also contact that may be able to arrange TL staying overnight on a London Fire Stn prior to events. Colin also found out that on our current Insurance, recovery over 3.5 tonnes, isn’t covered. Through contacts made, he had found out that the Historic Commercial Vehicle Society’s insurance does cover over 3.5 tonnes, 12 months Insurance cover for 6 drivers approx £170 including recovery. You have to be a member, so registered Keeper on log book will be changed to Colin before renewal. Working parties will start again soon, please try and make it. Will try and plan in advance. Enquiries made with LFB Museum about storage of TL 240, basically not interested. 1255 hrs, meeting broke for Lunch. Recommenced at 1330. Pete Weight Quartermaster gave his report. List of equipment we have, nearly full stowage. The list gives who donated what and approx cost of item. Total value stands at approx £7000 ! Pete’s son has set up a new Website for us, approx half the price of the old one. Pete asked if he could set up a Wanted/For Sale page on it, which was agreed. The idea is to sell surplus items, not any personal items, uniform etc, donated. Pete introduced Vaughan Turney who worked for Merryweather ? ( or Dennis )and worked on the construction of 240 FLM !! What an asset. Vaughan is involved with Kent Fire Brigade Museum and is keen to assist us with his knowledge. He supplied each of us with a photo of 240 from approx 20 yrs ago and a page from the Merryweather Magazine. RD proposed that the Committee may make decisions on behalf of the group regarding day to day matters like Insurance, Registered Keeper etc without the need to ask members. This was voted on and carried unanimously . Election of Officers Through the Chair, it was proposed by Ron Finch, seconded by Kevin Hutchins, to re –elect the existing committee members if they were willing to continue. They are, a vote was held and carried in their favour unanimously. Forthcoming Movement of Appliance As Colin said, the appliance is nearly ready to be taken out. Once the wheel arches and locker door are refitted, a bit of tidying and polishing, we can take her out. The aim is to have her ready at this stage by September. There is a LFB Vehicle Open day at Lambeth in September, something to aim for. It was agreed that cost for fuel and overnight accommodation for members moving appliance to be paid from funds. Any Other Business Following RS’s enquiry about members interest on our demise, it was agreed that the family would inherit our interest. An Amendment to Constitution to be made to reflect this. PC proposed that Colin Livett be invited to join our group. Colin Started his career in the LFB at New Cross and his first Fire Call was riding 240 FLM. Seconded by RD and carried unanimously. PC informed us that on 14th May there will be a Thanksgiving Service by the Firefighters Memorial Trust at the National Memorial Arboretum. Open to any serving or retired member of the Fire Service. Details on their website. We were informed that the model maker Paul Slade has made a model of 240 FLM available. Prices believed to be, Kit form £85, made up model £150. CB , who is involved with Mike Cotton, Informed us of alternative Insurance companies and some suggestions for storage for which he was thanked. Chairman thanked members for their time attending and participating, and meeting called to close. Meeting closed at 1420 hrs. Comments are closed.