Today, Saturday 16th July, a few of us were at Wicken to work on 240FLM. Trevor Barnwell was showing me the mudguards/wings that are very badly rusted and MUST be replaced. The problem is that these items for such an old vehicle no longer exist and Trevor has kindly sourced a company that can make them but as they are custom items and most likely hand produced they are not cheap and we are sure the all up cost will be about £2,000. Whilst the current bank account sum is around the £2,000 mark we cannot go without this plea as we have other bills rolling in, I have just paid £300 for the ladder repairs and Colin has a bill for just over £200 that needs to be covered. There are also a number of sundry bills that will also be coming my way soon.
So what I am asking is that you dig deep and make payments into the group bank account to cover the monies we will require over the next couple of months. I propose a minimum of £10 for each of the next 3 months, these will need to be extra payments over and above your normal monthly subs. I am sorry to ask this of you but without these extra funds the restoration work will falter and grind to a temporary halt. You need to refer to the details you already have for the bank account and could you please use the reference '240FLM Gift'. Below are a couple of photos to show you how bad the mudguard/wingsreally are. Comments are closed.